HIMF: Job & Mabel Vargas
Job Vargas and his wife Mabel are experienced Bolivian missionaries from the Quechua tribes of that beautiful Andean country. They have two daughters, Ash and Jessica. They served as church planting missionaries among unreached people groups in Northern India after learning and speaking the Hindi language for their work of ten years. God blessed their ministry with many disciples and five churches that were planted as fruit of their labors.
After returning to Bolivia in 2007 they began a ministry of what Job calls “Visionary Trips” to India to inspire and mobilize new workers going out from their native country. More recently Job and Mabel have founded (Bendecidos Alcanzando Naciones when translated means We are Blessed Reaching the Nations), an indigenous interdenominational mission society that is praying for new workers and actively recruiting them. They are mobilizing, training, and facilitating workers, sent by the Holy Spirit, from Quechua and Aymará tribal believers of South America´s Andean countries. They are focused on the 72 unreached Tibetan Buddhist people groups in Northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, northern Myanmar, Tibet and also in the Sichuan, Gansu and Qiangai provinces of China, that have many Tibetan people groups. They are also working with Buddhist peoples in South East Asia.
Job and Mabel and their new missions society are working together with HIMF´s e effort focused on reaching Tibetan Buddhists called “Conexión Andino – Tibetano” the “Andean – Tibetan Connection”. BAN is also part of the “” (Highland Connection), a short term missions effort toward Buddhist and Tibetan peoples. This work is seeking to connect Quechua and Aymará Christian tribals that are used to living in the High Andean Plateau (at altitudes of 3200 – 4200+ meters in elevation) to unreached Tibetan people groups for evangelization, discipleship, church planting and Bible translation.
Part of this effort involves mobilizers and missionary candidates from HIMF´s work in Central America and Spain who are helping to connect Central American and Spanish churches and missionary candidates partnering with BAN´s Andean workers. Also, as the Lord prospers and blesses, Job hopes to help mobilize First Nations (Native American) missionary candidates from the more than 550 tribes in United States. This is Tribe2Tribe work at it´s best!
Job and Mabel and their new missions organization urgently need financial support from churches in South America, Central America, Spain, the USA and Canada to help launch this great and creative pioneer missions effort. You can help make it fruitful with your prayers and financial backing. Please pray for Job and Mabel and BAN! Please make a donation today! Or better yet commit to give on a monthly basis.